

Ultrasonic Level sensor

Product Technical Specifications

A dynamometer, or "dyno" for short, is a device that measures force, moment of force (torque), or power. It is used to measure the torque and rotational speed of an engine, motor, or other rotating prime mover

Eddy current type absorber

Eddy current (EC) dynamometers are currently the most common absorbers used in modern chassis dynos. The EC absorbers provide a quick load change rate for rapid load settling. Most are air cooled, but some are designed to require external water cooling systems.

Eddy current dynamometers require an electrically conductive core, shaft, or disc moving across a magnetic field to produce resistance to movement. Iron is a common material, but copper, aluminum, and other conductive materials are also usable.

In current (2009) applications, most EC brakes use cast iron discs similar to vehicle disc brake rotors, and use variable electromagnets to change the magnetic field strength to control the amount of braking.

The electromagnet voltage is usually controlled by a computer, using changes in the magnetic field to match the power output being applied.

  •  FP_5510_EN.pdf (906.58k)
  •  FP_5510_FR.pdf (909.92k)
  •  MA-5510_EN.pdf (428.53k) *
  •  MA-5510_FR.pdf (351.76k) *
  •  Diagnostic-pont-formulaire_EN.pdf (121.88k)
  •  Diagnostic-pont-formulaire_FR.pdf (106.95k)
  •  Diagnostic-pont-formulaire-amplifié_EN.pdf (98.44k)
  •  Diagnostic-pont-formulaire-amplifié_FR.pdf (98.44k)

* You must be logged in to access these documents.

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